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Life of Jalaluddin Rumi

Life of Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi

Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi or Maulana Rumi is known to many as Rumi. He was a philosopher, Islamic scholar but he is immortal in the world as a Sufi and poet. He is known as a medium of love, which many people take in a mundane way and many people take it as a man-woman love, but those who understand the real purpose of Rumi, the real secret of Rumi, have got the real taste and satisfaction.

Birth of Jalaluddin Rumi:- Muhammad Jalaluddin Rumi, the world’s most famous Persian poet, was born on September 30, 1207 in the city of Balkh. His father Muhammad Bahauddin who was a descendant of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique Raid Allahu Tayala Anhur and his mother was a descendant of Hazrat Ali Raid Allahu Tayala Anhur and Khwarizm Shah.

★ Rumi’s Childhood:- Maulana Rumi was very wise from a young age. Everything becomes easy for him. Father Bahauddin was a very respectable person of Balkh city. He was a renowned scholar. Once Bahauddin and his son Muhammad (Jalaluddin Rumi) left for Nishapur, one of the most beautiful cities and abode of the wise, to meet Sheikh Farid Uddin Attar and receive prayers.

Then the whole world was turned upside down by Genghis Khan’s Mongol army through various activities, they both reached the Shaykh’s residence and when the father was talking to the Shaykh, Rumi was standing behind his father listening to it, once the Shaykh noticed Rumi and while talking to him, he understood Rumi’s status. And presenting a book from him, he said to father Bahauddin –

 “Take care of this boy will open a door of love to the world in the future”.

And prayed for him. When they both left there, they got news that another world-renowned Shaykh, Shaykh Muhammad Ibnul Arabi Rahmatullahi Alaihi, would go to Nishapur for the holy Hajj and Rumi’s father was a great admirer of Ibnul Arabi Rahmatullahi Alaihi. When they got the news, they both went to Ibnul Arabi, another secret treasure of tasawwuf, and showed him, but Rumi was only listening to their conversation, and when it was time to leave, he looked at Rumi, who was behind his father, and said:

“Look at God’s nature, the sea is running behind the river”And with this quote, the new chapter of Rumi’s Rumi begins.

★ Migration of Rumi’s family:- On the one hand, Genghis Khan’s army is pouring blood all over the world, on the other hand, the Byzantines are engaged in various schemes. At that time, the whole Muslim world kept collecting money from one place to another in search of peace, and Sultan Alauddin Kaykobad, the most admired ruler of the Seljuk Empire of Konya at that time, invited Jalaluddin Rumi’s Pabibar. They accepted the Sultan’s invitation and decided to settle in Anatolia for the rest of their lives. Sultan Alauddin made Kaykobad Bahauddin the head of the madrasa and entrusted him with various responsibilities, and when his father passed away and retired from the world, the sage Rumi took charge.

★ Ordinary Rumi to Extraordinary Rumi:-

By 1244, Rumi was fulfilling his father’s responsibilities well, but God had a different will. This was the time when Rumi became Rumi. One day Maulana Rumi was teaching the book to his disciples in the market of Konya, many disciples came next to him. Maulana Rumi was a very focused person who would become very focused on the work he was doing. By Allah’s will, when Rumi was teaching, a mad man came and stood in front of Rumi, his name was Shams Tabriz. Although his identity was crazy to people, not everyone had the vision required to recognize his identity.

 Shams Tabriz asked Maulana Rumi, “Jalaluddin, what do you teach these?”

Manoyagi Rumi suddenly felt very annoyed and said, “These are words you will not understand.”

Then, by the will of God, Shams Tabriz suddenly threw all the books in a nearby well. Then Rumi became angry and said, What have you done to them, how many hundreds of hardships were recorded here.

Then on hearing this, Shams Tabriz started laughing and went and brought all the books from the well and Rumi opened it and saw that not a single page of the book was damaged, not a single page was wetted by water, then Rumi was surprised and said,

How did you do this?Then Dervish Shams Tiburiz said,

“This is the knowledge that you will not understand.”

And then Rumi became Dewan of Shams Tabriz and offered to make him murid. Then Shams Tabriz did so and gave all the secrets inside himself to Maulana A. Rumi and Rumi left his ordinary life and became more ordinary. Leaving his beautiful clothes, he began to read the sack of bark. Rumi drowns in an unknown love, it is like a strange love of God and servant which can be seen but no one can easily see.

Seeing this condition of Maulana Rumi, his disciples did not like it at all. They started to think, somewhere a madman made a great scholar a slave. Then when the situation was getting worse and no one could accept it, then suddenly Shams Tabriz went to Damascus, so everyone thought that Maulana and Rumi would be fine again, but on the contrary, Maulana Rumi was a different Chahuni, instead of being fine, the situation got worse. It is like a body without a soul.

Seeing this situation, his disciples begged and brought Shams Tabriz back from Damascus according to the news, but Shams Tabriz gave the rest of the secret to Maulana Rumi. Rumi’s civility started increasing day by day. But one day, Shams Tabriz disappeared and no one could see him anywhere. About which there are different theories of historians.

However, this farewell lit a fire in Rumi’s heart and Rumi wrote it for the world

“Dewane Tabrizi” which is one of the most important books of Maulana Rumi. However, this is one of the most important, and on the advice of one of Rumi’s friends, Rumi wrote his greatest book called

“Masanvi A Manvi”

★ Masanvi-e-Manvi:- Masanvi is an immortal book of Manvi Jalaluddin Rumi. Which is mainly known as Masanvi Sharif. This book is written by Maulana Rumi in Persian language which has about 50 thousand verses. The book was written by Maulana Rumi in the form of stories and poems which have been translated and read in different languages ​​for ages. But the characteristic of this Masnavi Sharif is that it takes the reader through the different times described in the story. True love, social, spiritual and family problems and their solutions are written here. Many stories have been written, but never just.

Which Rumi leaves to the readers to learn like:- Rumi starts the first two lines of Masanvi Sharif with the words of a bamboo flute which can be learned by the words of Duline. He also wrote the story of the parrot which, although it is a story of a parrot to read, has hidden many lessons

Beloved Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam is not a common man like us and those who consider the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam to be like us are precious parrots but at the end of the day he is as stupid as a parrot.

Also, he wrote many stories about shepherds including complaints about mosquitoes and left many lessons for our daily life in Masanvi Sharif.

This Masnavi Sharif is said to be a Quran written by human hands. It is written here in general but carries extraordinary meaning.

★Last Time of Maulana Rumi:- Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, the Sufi of Sufis, the poet of poets, died on December 17, 1273 by the will of Allah. He was a follower of Naxbandi Silsila till his death. Maulana Rumi gave us this world a way to know nature love. Those who did not understand the true secret of Rumi’s love took it as mundane or the love of men and women who understood Rumi’s secret as if it was a different secret for this world. More

“Open your eyes, this world is just a dream”

    – Jalaluddin Rumi

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