
Alparslan 45

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 45 English Subtitles


Tekfur’s son Alexander was killed by Kutalmish Bey. Takefu is devastated by the pain of losing her child. He began to suspect Alp Arsalan. Kutalmish Bey took possession of Surmari Fort. Alp Arsalan Bey came out of the fort with his accomplices. Tekfur comes out of the fort with his son’s body.

If Melik Suleiman wants to go to Ani Durga with Tekfur, Tekfur will not take him. Suleiman Bey and Alp Arsalan continued to argue over various issues. At one point when the two start fighting, Ata Bey calms them down. Alp Arsalan Bey asked Suleiman Bey to go to Damgan. And Alp Arsalan Bey himself goes to Kurkan.

Kayifamily Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 45 English Subtitles

Because all these settlements were supporting Kutalmish Bey. Alp Arsalan Bey went to Kurkan and requested Bastir Bey not to support Kutalmish Bey. But he said that they would support Kutalmish Bey. Then there Jalal Alp also saw Alp Arsalan Bey. Jalal Alp started inciting the soldiers against Alp Arsalan Ber. Alp Arsalan Bey then attacked them and forced them to submit to Alp Arsalan Bey.

Melik Suleiman Bey goes to Damgan. Requests the same to the head of the village. The head of the village rejects the request. Then Melik Suleiman attacked them. Who calms them down?

Flora breaks down in tears when Annie arrives at the castle with Tekfur Alexander’s body. Tekfur explains to Flora that Suleiman knew this So she didn’t get back to him. This made Flora think that Melik was bad and treacherous toward Suleiman Bey

Kayifamilytv Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 45 English Subtitles

Gev’s hammer poisons Arbazkan Ber’s head so that everyone gets land but why Arbazkan Bey doesn’t get anything? Arbazkan be to melik inal ber bhai. Then why won’t he get land and a separate fort.. A man was sent with a message to Kutalmish Bey Arbazkan. It was written that he should go to meet Kutalmish Ber.

When Kutalmish Bey was reading the letter, Seferia Hatun saw it. Seferia Hatun became suspicious. So he sent an army to follow Arbazkan Bey Meanwhile, Surmari comes to meet Arbazkan Bey Kutalamish Ber at Banizya Durga. Kutalmish Bey promises to give him the fort in the future, but in return, he wants the wealth left behind by Inal.

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Season 2 Episode 45 English Subtitles

And only Okhe Hatun knows where Inal Bay has kept his wealth. So Okhe assigned Arbazkan Bey to collect this information from Hatun. Arbazkan Bey Kutalamish finds parallels between Ber Katha and Gev’s Hatun. So he accepted Kutalmish Ber’s word.

Arbazkan Be Inal Ber went to his wife Okhe Hatun and told her the matter. In order to defeat Alp Arsalan Bey, he continues to persuade Okhe Hatun to take this heinous crime path. Okhe Hatun agrees. Okhe Hatun hands Arbazkan Ber a map. Arbazkan Bay returned to Vasporakan with that map.

Meanwhile, a conflict arose between Seferia Hatun and Gev’s Hatun. Because Seferia suspects Hatun Arbazkan Bey. Seferia Hatun quickly told Alp Arsalan Bey what had happened. Alp Arsalan Bey stops Seferia Hatun. As Arbazkan Ber had planned, he wanted Tekfur’s forces and Kutalmish Bey to face each other to prevent a fight.

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 45 English Subtitles Kayifamily

But Arbazkan Be betrayed. He reveals Kutalmish Bay as the true location of the treasure. Alp misleads Arsalan and Tekfur with the wrong information. It clashed with the forces of Alp Arsalan Bey and Tekfur. Tekfur killed Alpagut Alp in this clash. Tekfur avenges his son’s murder.

Alpagut was killed in front of Alp Arsalan Ber. After the murder, everyone swears that they will avenge this blood. Arbazkan Be Kutalamish went to Gev’s hatun without going out. Goes there and finds Seferia Hatun knocked unconscious by Gav’s Hatun on the head.

This news was brought to Alp Arsalan by a woman Alp. With this, Alp Arsalan Bey hurriedly rescued Seferia Hatun and brought her to Vasporakan.

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 45 English Subtitles Kayifamilytv

Arbazkan Bay sent Gev Hatun to Rasul Ber and Surmari Banizya Durg to turn the situation around. Alp brought Arsalan Bey Arbazkan captive. Just as Arbazkan is about to kill Bey, a messenger arrives saying that if Gev wants his hat back, he must give it back to Arbazkan.

Alp Arsalan Bey agrees to this condition and goes to bring back the sister. After returning Arbazkan there, Kutalmish Bey returned Gevre, but Gevre’s hand returned to the fortress with Arbazkan. Alp Arsalan was very disappointed. Just then E Tekfur’s forces fired a cannonball. Then Alp Arsalan Bey Gave’s hat shouted. This episode ends with this scene. Watch Urdu Subtitles

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 45 English Subtitles

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