
Alparslan Episode 54

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 54 English Subtitles

Kutalamis Bay leaves the fort and comes to the battlefield. After a while, Tulpar Bey arrives and tries to join Alperslan Bey’s army. One of Alperslan Bey’s soldiers realizes that Tulper Bey is a traitor and kills him in front of everyone.

Karvut Bey retrieves his knife from the guard and begins to escape the dungeon. Leon goes to a high hill and waits for the battle to begin. Alperslan Bey got off his horse and started talking to Kutalmis Bey.

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 54 English Subtitles Kayifamily

Alperslan Bey asked Kutalmis Bey to surrender. Kutalmis Bey says that it is impossible for him to go back now and he will not stop until he takes the throne. Alperslan Bey returns to his army and says that they will win this battle. Kutalmis Bey gives a speech and says that they will destroy Alperslan Bey’s army in a short time. After some time fighting started between the two forces.

Leon realizes that Kutalmis Bey is a good fighter and becomes more excited. Kavurta Bey fled with Kutalamis Bey’s sons. Sulaiman Bey’s troops began to pursue Kavurta Bey. Alperslan Bey finds Kutalamis Bey on the battlefield and asks him to surrender again. Kutalamis Bey rejected this offer and continued to fight.

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 54 English Subtitles Kayifamily TV

A Byzantine soldier says that Sulaiman Bey’s men are following some suspicious men. Leon Cavourt took action as soon as he heard Bell’s name. Suleiman Bey learns that the prisoners have escaped from the dungeon and becomes enraged. The vizier tries to pacify Sulaiman Bey but fails.

Kootalamis Bay is mortally wounded in the battle and immediately mounts his horse. Alperslan Bey sees Kutalmis Bey heading into the forest and follows him. Alparslan Bey and his army won the battle and began searching for their Sultan, meaning Alp Arsalan Bey.

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 54 English Subtitles

Moments later, Kutalmis Bey fell from his horse. Alperslan Bey however asks Kutalmis Bey to surrender and says that he will heal him. Kutalamis realizes that he will die and names Alp Arsalan Bey as Sultan. A soldier finds Alperslan Bey and gives information about the prisoners. Kutalmis Bey learns what has happened to her children and asks Alperslan Bey to save them.

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 54 English Subtitles

Alperslan Bey says that he will protect Mansur and Sulaiman Shah, no matter what. When Alperslan Bey returns to the battlefield with Kutalmis Bey’s lifeless body. Sulaiman Bey’s soldiers took the prisoners. Leon enters the jungle and takes Kavurta Bey from the Turks.

Alperslan Bey says that after saving Mansur and Sulaiman Shah, he will bury Kutalamis Bey. Flora Hatun learns that the prisoners have escaped and says she wants to leave the palace. Suleiman Bey learns that Alperslan Bey has won the battle and becomes very worried. Leon arrives at the palace moments later and tells them that he has taken the prisoners.

Watch Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 54 English Subtitles

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