
Alp Arslan 50 English

AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 50 English Subtitles

AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Bolum 50 English Subtitles

AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Season 2 Episode 50 English Subtitles

At the beginning of Alp Arsalan Episode 49, the audience was moved to tears. Tekfur’s soldiers try to kill Seferia Hatun and his associates. At this time Tekfur himself struck Seferia Hatun in the stomach and fatally wounded him. Alp Arsalan cut off Tekfur’s hand to avenge this. Then killed Tekfur.

All Tekfur’s soldiers were killed by Alp Arsalan Ber Alp. As Seferia Hatun was seriously injured, she was rushed to Sultan’s palace. Although Alp Arsalan Bey was against this decision. Then Seferia Hatun was taken to the best healer as her injuries were very serious

AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Bolum 50 English Subtitles

Selchan takes Ma Seferia Hatun to Hekim at Sultan’s palace. Hekim stops her bleeding. Then he was served in various ways and he began to recover. When Suleiman Bey learns that Seferia Hatun is coming to the palace. Then vizier Amirul Mulk suggested to Suleiman Bey that Seferiya Hatun should not be allowed to leave the palace. Because if this Seferia Hatun is taken hostage, it will be easy to bring Alp Arsalan Bey to the palace.

There is trouble when the Selchan mother leaves the palace with Seferia Hatun. Suleiman Bey forbade them to leave the palace. But Selchan Ma wanted to go out with Seferia Hatun. Selchan Ma then said something to Suleiman Bey The words raise questions about Suleiman Ber’s personality. So Suleiman Bey forced them to leave the palace.

AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Bolum 50 English Subtitles

Melik Suleiman Bey agreed to give a city to Count Leon. But Wazir doesn’t want to let that happen. He did not want to give away even a single piece of land in the Seljuk state. So he secretly told this news to Selchan Ma. So that he conveys the news to Alp Arsalan Ber. When Alp Arsalan Bey learned that Suleiman Bey was ceding the city to Leon, he reported this news to Kutalmish Bey.

When Kutalmish Bey was informed, Kutalmish Bey could not accept this. So he allied himself with Alp Arsalan Ber and vowed to protect the city. He falls into the same trap that Leon gets into with the Arbuscan bake. Because Arbaskan Bay came out of the fort with his soldiers. But by that time all the soldiers from Alp Arsalan entered the fort. When Leon attacks the castle, Alp Arsalan Bay emerges from inside the castle.

AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 50 English Subtitles Kayifamily

Leon was shocked to see this. He realizes it is a trap. He is then even more surprised to see Kutalmish Bey and Alp Arsalan fighting against him. Then he stepped back. But turning back, he first stabbed Arbazkan Bey in the stomach to kill him Arbazkan Bay is seriously injured.

Arbazkan rushes Bey to Hekim. And Leon returns to Tekfur’s castle. After the death of Tekfur, Leon has been appointed as the head of the castle. Leon vows to avenge this betrayal. And started his new plan.

Kutalmish plans to attack the palace to take over the city of Bay Ray. But this plan was destroyed by Wazir Amirul Mulk. Kutalmish Bey was defeated by his clever wit. Drums full of ammunition are placed around the entire palace So that everyone can be destroyed at once. Kutalmish Bay retreated from the decision to attack Kutalmish Bay after Alpra tested the poison and informed him.

AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 50 English Subtitles Kayifamily TV

Alp Arsalan Ber’s troops killed all of Tekfur’s soldiers and took control of Genza. They then stayed in the city of Genza Meanwhile Selchan Ma returns to Vasporakan with Seferia Hatun. Seferia Hatun is placed under the care of Hekim Meanwhile, Leon continues to pressurize Flora by not letting him approach Suleiman. However, Flora sneaks out to Suleiman

Flora repeatedly convinces Suleiman Bey to leave the palace. Flora is afraid of Alp Arsalan Bey. So he convinces Suleiman Bey to get out of this political and go somewhere far away. Suleiman Bey does not answer her words. Melik Suleiman Bey doesn’t try to understand when Flora tells Suleiman Bey that “this throne will bring us death one day so it’s better to leave it.” So he comforts Flora by holding her in Maya’s arms.

AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 50 English Subtitles Online

Melik Suleiman Bey then tells Flora that she is ruling as ordered by her uncle Sultan Tughrul. So there is nothing to fear He will arrange that Alp Arsalan cannot come to the palace.
Meanwhile, Alp Arsalan approaches Seferia Hatun. Everyone returns to Vasporakan. It is only when Alp Arsalan Bey sees Sepheria that he realizes that their unborn child may no longer exist.

Then he asks Seferia Hatun. Seferia Hatun tells Alp Arsalan that they no longer have children. His child could not be saved because of the injury to his stomach. So please don’t be sad about it. In response, Alp Arsalan thanked God. Trust in Allah for everything.

Alp Arsalan Bey and his troops were trapped in Fade while Kutalmish Bey and Alp Arsalan Bey were trying to solve the problem. It was a poacher’s trap. It was built by Kutalmish Bay so that the soldiers could not reach Alp Arsalan Hearing this news, Leon comes to take revenge and a fierce conflict ensues. And this episode ends with this scene.

Watch AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Season 2 Episode 50 English Subtitles.


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