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Who was Alauddin Khilji

Real History of Alauddin Khilji

See, listen, store in memory for future generations, believe that to know the dry future, we should know the past. History speaks forever. History makes people think, haunt. The significant events of daily life become history in time. It is those events that take place in history, some good, some first, some curse-blessing of human civilization. Therefore, the calendar of history is always important to people.

With the development of civilization, many rulers have come to different countries. Many have made themselves controversial in their activities, and later some rulers have been controversial for no reason. To evaluate a ruler of the past, one has to consider the country’s environment, social values ​​and political structure at that time. Assessing them in today’s modern social ideals, current legal standards and 21st century political context would be absurd and unfair.

Alauddin Khilji, Sultan of Delhi in the late thirteenth century, is one such ruler who has been controversial. His regime has been undermined and distorted by the reality of current social values. There have been repeated, futile attempts to smear his personal life based on anecdotal fictions, which continue even today. Who was this Alauddin Khilji? Why so much controversy about him? The correct answer will be found if we know and present the history correctly.

★ Childhood and Early Life of Alauddin Khilji: Not much is known about Alauddin’s childhood. According to the 16th/17th century historian Haji-ud-Dabir, Alauddin was 34 years old when he started his journey to Ranthambore. Maybe in 1266–1267. His real name was Ali Gurshop. He was the eldest son of Shihabuddin Masud, the elder brother of Sultan Jalaluddin, the founder of the Khilji dynasty. He had three brothers: 1:- Almas Beg 2:- Qutlugh Tigin and 3:- Muhammad.

 After the death of King Alauddin’s father, Shihabuddin, Jalaluddin raised him. Both Alauddin and his younger brother Almas Beg married Jalaluddin’s daughters. After Jalaluddin became Sultan of Delhi, Alauddin was appointed as Amir-i-Tuzuk (equivalent to the master of ceremonies), while Almas Beg was given the title of Akhur-Beg (equivalent to the master of horses).

★ Marriage: Alauddin Khilji was married to two women and according to historians this was one of the causes of misunderstanding and tension between Malika-i-Jahan and Alauddin. King Alauddin first married Maleka-i-Jahan, who was the daughter of Sultan Jalaluddin. He married secondly to Malik Sanjar’s sister Mahru.

Campaigns of Alauddin Khilji: Alauddin Khilji was very ambitious. Like the Greek hero Alexander, he also dreamed of world conquest. His name will undoubtedly be at the top if we list the winners in the history of Hindustan. An uncontested conqueror, he captured Sindh in 1296 after defeating the Shia ruler Ghazan Mahmud of the Ilkhani kingdom. In 1299, Chagtai Khan defeated Dua Khan and captured Punjab. Ranthambore in 1301, Chittor in 1303, and Mandu Sultan in 1305 were also given to Alauddin Khilji. Being under the king

 Malik Kafur led the war against Raja Rai Ramachandra. But later Raja Rayachandra was given the title of “Ray Raihan” and he was again allowed to rule the state. Gujarat was also given to him at the same time.

 In 1309 Barangal was conquered under the leadership of Malik Kafur with the help of Raja Raya Ramachandra. His success in ruling Hindustan was so great that it would not be an exaggeration to call him the greatest ruler of the Delhi Sultanate.

Apart from establishing an empire in India, he also protected India from the Mongol invasion from the north-west. First, he defeated King Karnadev of Gujarat, Rajput leader Hamir Dev of Ran-Thambore, Ratan Singh of Mebar and Mahalak Dev, ruler of Malab. He then sent an expedition to South India under the leadership of Malik Kafur. After defeating King Ramachandra of Kafur Devagiri, Kakatiya King Pratap Rudra of Barangal, and Hoysla King Ballal III of Dorsamudra took advantage of the feud and took possession of the Pandya kingdom.

Then he proceeded to Rameshwar. Alauddin Khilji, however, did not annex the states of South India directly but made them into “tributary” states (recognized as taxes) with the promise of verbal obedience and tribute from the kings there. As a conqueror, Alauddin Khilji was the best of the Sultans of Delhi. According to Sir Wolsley Haig, Sultanate imperialism originated with his reign. It was during his period that the Sultanate army first invaded South India. Many compare him with Akbar as a conqueror. Alauddin has become famous in history because of his determination and his unparalleled bravery.

★ Achievements and Empowerment of Alauddin Khilji: He strengthened the military to strengthen the central government. He was the first among the Delhi Sultans to raise a standing army. Many say that he used to ignore the ulema to establish his authority. He once said to Mughusuddin in the context of the matter:-

“I issue those orders which protect the interests of the state and the welfare of the people. I don’t know which is legal and which is illegal. I do what is good for the state.” Like King Louis XIV of France, he could say, “What is the state? I am the state.”

 His main goal was to establish orderly governance. He did not allow not only the Ulemas but also the Amirs-Umrahs to raise their heads, and in order to undermine their power and root out the rebellion, he stopped their close association and intercourse. Attacking private property, he stopped all allowances. All that was given place. They were confiscated and turned into government land. By attacking the elite in this way, he rooted out the rebellion.

Market Price Control:  He strengthened the military regulated market prices and introduced rationing so that soldiers could buy goods cheaply, as he did not overpay the soldiers. He adopted strict administrative measures so that the traders did not demand more money than the value. The responsibility of the matter was given to ‘Shahana-i-Mandi’ and ‘Dewan-i-Riyasat’. Alauddin Khilji’s aim was probably to prevent inflation and ensure that traders did not make excessive profits; But there is no reason to think that the traders used to sell without profit.

Alauddin Khilji’s price control was successful and it benefited the military as well as the common people to some extent. However, the traders were disheartened and dissatisfied as they could not earn additional profits. But they had nothing to do. As long as Alauddin Khilji was alive, these controls were strictly followed. But after his death this arrangement broke down.

Revenue and other reforms:  On the other hand, he was the first among the Delhi Sultans to survey the land and reform the fiscal system. He also focused on maintaining peace and order in the country. Criminals were punished severely. He kept all the news of the country through spies. He may not have had the active support, respect or love of the people; But by introducing a strong and strict system of governance, he established the Delhi Sultanate on a solid foundation.

★ Contributions of Alauddin Khilji:Judging from the aspect of reforms, it can be seen that Alauddin Khilji was the first Muslim ruler of medieval India, whose contribution can be understood as:—

1/:-Sultan Alauddin Khilji banned alcohol in the entire empire. Even the production of alcohol was banned. During his time adultery and perverted sexual behavior homosexuality was outlawed in Hindustan.

.2/ :- In the history of Hindustan, before Sultan Alauddin Khilji, the army members did not get any fixed salary. Instead, they were given land. He changed the system of these posts and started the practice of paying fixed salaries to the army members. In his time the salary of a cavalry soldier was about 238 tankas.

.3/:- Another important change in the empire during the reign of Sultan Alauddin Khilji was the control of commodity prices. In this system, the price of every commodity was fixed by the state. He did not shirk his responsibilities just by deciding. Rather, the spies regularly reported to the Sultan, monitoring whether his orders were being obeyed to the letter. Moreover, Sultan Alauddin Khilji eradicated the practice of bribery in various ministries of the administration.

4/ :- He rooted out the corruption prevalent among Amir-Umrah and the rich. He restored the confidence of the people by strong and strict measures. His rule was one of public welfare.

5/: He was the first Muslim ruler to introduce the land survey system in India. He curbed corruption in the military by introducing the practice of marking horses for state work.

★ Evaluation : As a conqueror and administrator, Alauddin Khilji achieved extraordinary success during the Sultanate period. Alauddin Khilji was a rare military genius of world class. He had extraordinary skill in martial arts. He basically. Digitized his military force based on the tactics of Alexander the conqueror. In the battlefield, he used his incredible innovative combat tactics. Alauddin Khilji was an Indian, not a foreigner. He was born in 1266 in Delhi. He was the second and most powerful ruler of the Khilji dynasty of Delhi Sultanate in India.

Death: Alauddin Khilji, the star of the Indian Empire, died on January 4, 1316. Today is Dar’s 704th death anniversary. May Allah grant the grave of the hero of history, Sultan Alauddin Khilji, the highest status of Jannatul Ferdows. Amen. More

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